I went shooting with a friend today at her father-in-law's farm. None of the weapons were mine. We shot, among other things, a Springfield M1911A1 and a XM-something, a Colt Python (6" stainless) and a Kel-Tec SU-16.
The Springfield 1911 was very nice. I've probably mentioned a few times on this blog that I think that 1911s are the standard for autopistols. The XM or XD (whatever) was fun to shoot, it is what a Glock should have been. It has a grip safety at least. (Fucking Glocks.)
The Python, ah, I was right. Serious drool-inducing want. What a sweet trigger. My friend doesn't like revolvers (it belongs to her husband) and even she admitted that it was a sweet shooter.
As for the Kel-Tec SU-16, she shot it far, far better from a standing position than I could shoot it from the "rice-paddy prone" (squatting) position. I personally thought that the trigger was probably the worst trigger on a rifle that I have ever fired. I shot better with a handgun. Hell, for me, I'd be better off throwing rocks at a target rather than try to shoot it with that carbine.
It was a good day, with good food, and good people.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
I call Kel-Tec gear "K-tel" gear. It's cheap, crappy, cheap gear that doesn't cost much money but is, well, cheap. I see you've discovered the same thing :).
- Badtux the Gun Penguin
So Kel-Tec is the Ron Popiel of guns?
Stick with the ones with the horsie.
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