Not hardly. A lab technician there screwed up at least a quarter of all of the cases he was working on.
He resigned before he could be fired. That was in 2005. But what he did was so egregious that the Army did what it always does in a situation which could prove embarrassing to the Army: They covered it up.
Which meant that men who may have been innocent of the charges continued to sit in prison and men who may have truly been guilty continue to walk among us. But hey, the Army was able to cover it up for a few years, which probably allowed a few colonels to move on and away from the problem.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
1 comment:
And the response jibes so nicely with the frauds, etc., at power plants, etc.
Cover up!
Hard to believe a President was run out of town because of a cover up, isn't it?
Thanks for being on top of this (and mentioning our girl, Abby).
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