An American CIA contractor facing murder charges in Pakistan has been released after the payment of "blood money" to the relatives of the victims, local officials said Wednesday.Whether you agree with the concept of paying blood money or not, the payment ended a situation that had become a bone of contention between the U.S. and Pakistan.
Raymond Allen Davis has been in jail since Jan. 27, seriously straining ties between Pakistan and the United States.
“The family members of the slain men appeared in the court and independently verified they had pardoned him,” provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah told private Geo television, the Dawn newspaper reported.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
Ah, if only the blood money had come from the spook... instead of from me and you.
And how much more to the Pakistan government to get the families to take the money?
As soon as they find out they can get acquitted just by paying money which they've got a lot of, the wingnuts here will change their tune and declare sharia law an American sacrament. I did a post on that today.
Especially hilarious was Secretary of State Clinton claiming that this was *not* the U.S. buying off the families, because the money came from the *Pakistani* government, not the *US* government! Err... laundering it doesn't make the original source of the money any different, yo. I can understand why our government might need to lie in some cases, but this one is so transparent that it freakin' defeats the whole reason for the lie (which was to avoid the perception of the U.S. buying off the victims' families).
- Badtux the "Ho hum, liars all" Penguin
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