That is the whine of the Arab League, which asked the Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya. Now they are having buyer's remorse.
Idiots. Have they forgotten what happened in 1991? Imposing a no-fly zone and only attacking Gaddafi's air force would have not stopped his forces from what they were doing. The Libyan army still has armor and artillery, though less of it now.
I was surprised that the Arab League asked for a no-fly zone. I expected them to be more in tune with what has happened in Bahrain and Syria, rather than support a rebellion.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
10 minutes ago
At the very least, installing a no-fly zone over a non-conquered country means an initial, rather spirited SEAD. That means it gets pretty boomy, for a while.
I don't know how to feel about Official War #3, but I like the meta-message that you can't just roll tanks over your peaceful protesters.
Regards But,But, there's the illusion not only of surgical strikes, but psychically defined operations: we should know intuitively what the Arab League wants. Neat trick when they don't know themselves.
There's the (I think true) story of an interview with an Egyptian foreign affairs minister in the aftermath of the Seven Days War, when they got their ass handed to them by the Israeli and lost enormous territory. The journalist asked the Egyptian what terms Eqypt would be discussing with Israeli for peace....and was told, all the land back, the Palestinians repatriated with all their former property and a vote, and other such. The journalist blinked and asked, "What terms would you be pproposing if you had *won* the war?"
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