I am not going to express an opinion on whether getting into the Libyan War was the right thing to do or not.
But I fervently hope that, this time around, somebody with some competence is planning what will happen after Gaddafi is removed from power.
(Unlike, say, the last two wars which were begun by Chimpy and his crack team of fools, chickenhawks and career war criminals.)
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
I know! Why don't we just colonize the whole middle east? Why not admit that controlling the oil is our main objective?
Mixed emotions...Seems fine to help "free" the people of Libya but I've heard all this before and nobody got free as much as one government (which we generally supported at one time or other) was tossed out, a new government came in after a bunch of people are killed.
Libya has oil that is easy to pump out of the ground and exports over a million barrels a day. A war will destroy their infrastructure, making even more oil available to export because burned cars use no gasoline. Personally, I hope Libya stops exporting oil altogether until the foreign troops leave, which seems to include the 'rebels' who have antiaircraft guns and airplanes, unlike the peaceful protesters in Bahrain and Yemen, who are slaughtered with nary a peep from our war criminal leaders.
I think the plan is to just sort of cross their fingers and hope.
At least this war has Arab League backing. Maybe that means that if there have to be boots on the ground, they'll be Arab boots.
Oh wait, I just made a funny. Arab armies are great against unarmed civilians. Against anybody who's shooting back, they run screaming like little girls back to Mommy, leaving a trail of dropped guns and stripped-off uniforms all the way.
Regarding oil, it's not about oil. It's about guns. Military weapons are the only real export the United States has anymore. Bahrain and Yemen buy U.S. weapons, as does Egypt. Libya doesn't. 'Nuff said on that.
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