The New York Times has finally picked up on the fact that Rep. Peter King was for terrorism a long time before he was against it.
King unwittingly proves the truth to the old saying that "one man's terroist is another man's freedom fighter." King was a supporter of the IRA for many years and he mouthed lots of excuses for the IRA's use of bombs against civilians. Pub-bombings, knee-cappings, assassinations of opposing political figures, none of that disturbed a hair on the head of King when it was the IRA doing it.
But now, King sees political hay to be made by switching from supporting terrorism to opposing it.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
20 minutes ago
I knew there would end up being something about him... what he wants to look into does deserve to be looked at (probably not at the level of congressional hearings, though), but now doing so in a sane and rational fashion will be that much harder.
Pete "The Dumbest King in Congress" still supports terrorism. He just dumped the Irish when they wouldn't support the terror attack on Iraq.
But the Irish are Christians, so it's not terrorism.
Isn't this the same Peter King who, according to a pleasantly surprised HuffPo, was introducing legislation that would make it a felony for anyone to " ... knowingly carry a gun within 1,000 feet of the president, vice president, members of Congress or judges of the Federal Judiciary ..."?
His penchant for equal-opportunity authoritarianism seems to match his tendency towards double standards on terrorism.
That would be the same Peter King.
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