Or do we?
Tax breaks for vacation homes? What the fuck? And why do companies get to write off punitive damages? What part of the word "punitive" is unclear to those douchehats in the halls of Congress?
(H/T1, H/T2)
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Punitive damages? Why not write it off. They are excess because those pesky people (jurors) try to rape the poor, innocent corporations. People can't be trusted.
Ah yes, Republican priorities. Why am I not surprised?
- Badtux the Unsurprised Penguin
Well, that puts it in perspective.
What is your data source? This is a great presentation.
The sources are in those little (H/T) links at the end of the post, JzB. The original graphic came from the Center for American Progress, a left-wing think tank (yes, they do exist!).
Thanks, BT
Oh -- those tiny little H/T's that I missed.
With my insurance plan, I can't have my eye exam until May.
Many walls to bump into and fine print to be read between now and then.
Control and + should expand the image on your screen.
Comrade -
Yep, I know and often use the Control + trick.
I just wasn't aware that on this page there was a need to use it.
Live and learn.
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