That's pretty much a shorthand description of the New Orleans Police Department. Along with excessive use of force against citizens, discriminating against minorities, extorting cash from gays and lesbians and willfully ignoring the problems of non-English speakers, the main task of the sex crimes unit was covering up sex crimes. There was an organized system of bribes under the cover of "paid details".
Very little of this likely comes as a surprise to most of the residents of New Orleans.
You can download and read the entire report here. The executive summary is worth at least a quick read.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
And in other news, water is wet.
The NOPD has been infamous since at least when I was a kid. I.e., back when MLK was alive and raisin' cain. I see this same friggin' headline every time a Democratic administration takes office in D.C. and investigates the NOPD, heck I saw it when Jimmy Carter took office, but nothing ever changes. Well, let me rephrase that. *something* changed. Due to affirmative action hiring policies under a consent decree, the NOPD now reflects the demographics of New Orleans -- that is, is majority black. The sad thing is that black middle-class cops hate the poor blacks just as much as the white Irish paddies did... it's all class warfare in the end, making sure that those less than you "know their place".
- Badtux the Louisiana Penguin
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