I am not using the work "fascist" lightly. I am using it in the sense that the governor of the state of Michigan is seeking the power to disenfranchise local voters, dismiss elected officials, dissolve local government and turn over operation of cities, towns, and school districts to people who are accountable only to him.
And while the governor of Michigan is abolishing local democracy, he will give more tax breaks to corporations.
Wisconsin was only the beginning.
Heil GOP!
Small Talk, Big Trouble
12 minutes ago
According to Rachel's report on this, it may become possible for him to turn cities and states over, not just to his cronies, but to corporations.
Gee, you think he'd have anything but the people's good in mind?
Imagine Blackwater coming into your town, dismissing your elected government, firing all the police, patrolling themselves... Every road would be a toll road. The fire department would be a profit generator. Water and gas and electrical and sewer would suddenly sprout extra charges.
Those who aren't thoroughly obedient to Blackwater would find themselves with ruinous penalties for ordinances they didn't know existed... Jail terms for laws they didn't know about...
Republican politicians, in general, don't give a fuck about people.
And I have no doubt that if they brought in private security companies as cops, that we'd see a boatload of Nisour Square shootings here.
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