Pilots on an Alaska Airlines flight from Mexico City to Los Angeles locked down the cockpit and alerted authorities Sunday when a flight crew grew alarmed at the behavior of three men who turned out to be conducting an elaborate orthodox Jewish prayer ritual, officials said.zOMG!!! Jews!!!!
This is beyond stupid. At least the FBI agents in Los Angeles apparently could tell the difference between an Orthodox Jew and Osama bin Ladin. For it's for damn sure that nobody at Alaska Airlines can.
but, but they were all circumcised .....!!!
I've read of two other instances in the last few months where people freaked out over seeing someone with the tefillin - one in New Zealand (on a ferry) and one in New York (on a plane).
Many years ago, I went for an interview to get a job with Alaska Airlines (yes I was that desperate).
They didn't seem to care about my education. They wanted to know what I could make out of a paper lunch bag, a pencil and a rubber bag to distract a testy child. That was the determinant.
So hey, yeah, of course they don't know what Orthodox Judaism is...too many syllables.
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