That is the sound that my car* makes, now, as soon as it starts. The sound is RPM dependent.
But it goes away after a few minutes.
Any ideas?
* `05 Honda Accord, over 80K miles.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
water pump or serpentine belt. Water pumps in older Hondas were notoriously crappy
I'd call loose belt tends to show up when cold.
Serpentine belt.
OK, so what do I do about it?
Replace the belt, unless you have steam coming from the vicinity of the water pump. Replace parts in order of price.
#1 serpentine belt
#2 belt tensioner
#3 water pump &/or alternator
1 & 2 should be fairly easy and inexpensive. After that it gets complicated and/or expensive.
Replacing the water pump means removing the timing belt. Might as well do that while you're in there. Remember to replace not only the timing belt but the idler and tensioners. If it's a Honda with a balance shaft, make sure the timing mark is DEAD ON for that too when you replace the belt. IF you're doing this yourself, be prepared for the crankshaft bolt giving you a hard time coming out. I generally use a 3/4" drive impact wrench to break it loose.
80,000 miles is about right for replacing the timing belt on a Honda, anyway. It's no longer a $40, 1-hour repair job, but it's well worth doing.
Crap. I smell the odor of a bill the size of an AMU.
First thing I thought of was a belt. But that's always my first thought when it comes to car noises.
Belt or water pump. Have it replaced. Figure $300 for elective replacement/diagnosis. Now, it can wait, but with catastrophic failure might cost you an engine, and $1500.
It's not that bad. Takes half a day.
You have a chipmunk ducking the fan blade behind your radiator. Or maybe it's the serpentine belt. Cheaper to check for chipmunks first, though, and then move on to the mechanical stuff.
Poor little guy. Probably been riding around with you for years, figuring you'd end up someplace warm by now.
Squatlo, I'm not driving to Fla anytime soon.
Fixer, if I lived on the island, I'd come see you. I'm not doing it. Hell, since one now has to take the wheel well apart to change a frakking headlight bulb, I can't even do that.
As of Friday, I'm retired. Don't wanna know from anybody's car after that. Heh ...
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