I'm watching it on demand right now and, fifteen minutes into it, I'm about to dump it. Patricia Arquette is overacting like somebody in community theater, probably to counter what looks like a lot of botox. I haven't seen a face that plastic and immobile outside of a department store mannekin.
Worst line so far: "Pack your bags, we're going to Baltimore!" (Their offices are in D.C.)
Ick. The special effects are just awful. They'd get a failing grade in a community college film class.
30 minutes, I'm done.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
Arquette's body language was crying "I have an Oscar! What the fuck am I doing here???"
Oh it gets worse from there! They made it from Baltimore to New Jersey in a half hour, and a Camry tried to jump a pond with predictable results.
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