Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- Trump

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I Find It to Be Rather Amusing, Indeed.

I am rather amused by the fact that the only time conservatives seem to give a flying fuck about the Constitution is when there is a Democrat sitting in the Oval Office*.

It is beyond obvious to point out that there was no interest whatsoever among the vast majority of conservatives for the preservation of our rights and liberties when the Darth and Chimpy Administration was in power. Far from it, every time that those bastards used the Constitution as toilet paper...

...the conservatives cheered them on. More than that, the conservatives scorned people who were concerned about civil rights and civil liberties as being "unpatriotic" and "disloyal" and "terrorist sympathizers".

But now, only now, with a Democrat sitting in the White House who has some small interest in doing things other than killing people and running up the deficit by giving more tax breaks to the rich while we are in a couple of wars, only now do those self-styled patriots on the Right start to show any concern about preserving the Constitution.

Color me "unimpressed." For once a Republican is again in the White House, we will hear no more from any of these people about the importance of the Constitution.**

*Not to mention an African-American.
**Or, as Terrant noted, budget deficits.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Cheney who said that Regan proved that deficits don't matter? However, whenever a democrat is in the White House, all of the sudden they matter. Happened with Clinton and now with Obama. Not once did these TP morons protested during Bush. I fully expect them that once a republican is in the White House again, they will hang up their Socialism/Fascism signs until the next democrat is elected. They are nothing but a bunch of useful idiots for Business.

Constitutional Insurgent said...

Amen! They've gone from giving Republicans a bad name to giving Libertarians a bad name under false pretenses.

As soon as they regain power in DC, we won't see hide nor hair of tea parties.

Phil said...

Standing on chair, clapping and cheering. Right the fuck on.

Fucking fucktards, lick my mother fucking nuts.
I have had three dozen yards of hypocrisy dumped in my lap in the last year and I just want to reach out and Bitch slap some of these serial liars and fabricators.
I am talking bare knuckle, right in the cocksucker, smash mouth STFU.I can't believe assholes like that get repeated air time on the MSN.
Pick one.
Newt fucking Gingrich?
There's one.
STFU, the dude doesn't even hold office!
Why do I have to listen to what that worthless piece of shit has to say? Who gives a fuck?
Someone please explain that to me.

Steve LeMaster said...

You say we weren't saying anything then, why in the hell aren't you libtards saying anything now with Obama bin Lyin's spending?

Or is that it? Bush spending bad....marxist spending good...

We were saying something then, but nobody listened. Unfortunately, the talk show pundits weren't pounding the drum as much as they should have.

Now this idiot has quadrupled the spending, yet, none of you are saying anything now.

Comrade Misfit said...

The FY 2009 budget was drawn up by whom?

The bank bailouts were proposed by whom?

The bailouts of the automobile industries were proposed by whom?

Giving out huge tax breaks to the rich while ramping up defense spending during two wars was done by whom?

I am not going to criticize Obama for deficit spending in the middle of the worst recession since WW2 ended because it is either that or we won't get out of this recession until 2020 or so. There should be a lot more stimulus, but no, we're going to sputter along because all of a sudden you Republican Retards have stumbled over the Gospel of Deficits Are Bad. Even though the only Republican president in the last 30 years who tried to do anything about the deficits was abandoned by a lot of Republicans.

No, you Republicans have proven that you don't give a shit about deficits, Steve. Four presidential terms prove as much.

Steve LeMaster said...

I'm not a repubican...far from it.

What I'm telling you is that obama bin lyin' and his chicago thuggery politics has made a bad situation worse.

And none of you hypocrites are yelling about it now.

What gives? Is it because a marxist is calling the shots now and the out of control spending is ok?

Obama bin Lyin' knows he sunk in 2012 and these criminals are sunk in November.

Comrade Misfit said...


Are you fucking serious?

Do you know anything at all about Marxism or Socialism, or are those just words that you picked up listening to rush Limbaugh?

Steve LeMaster said...

Am I serious?


Obama bin Lyin' is a fucking "spread the wealth around" marxist, who can't seem to stop blaming others for his stupidity.

Do I really need to educated you on what this moron has said in the last 15 months?

I doubt it would do any good. You progressives have a knack for rewriting history, then claim it never happened.

He's sunk. Get used to it.

Comrade Misfit said...

I really do love it how you Republicans prattle on about "deficits" and "constitutional rights" while ignoring the wholesale deficit spending that was intentionally done by Republican presidents and the assaults on civil liberties by Republicans and their useful idiots on the Right.

Your boy, Dubya,and most of his entourage in his Administration cannot leave this country for fear of being arrested for war crimes. Forgotten that as well, have we?

Anonymous said...

You know a conservative is full of crap when they accuse liberals of rewriting history especially with what is going on in Texas right now.

Tell me Steve, when did you stop being a republican? Was that when it became obvious that Bush was toxic to conservatism and its control on Washington? A lot of people I know of where are "not republicans" were republicans up until that point. Then, like rats on a burning ship, they bailed and started saying he was not not our guy.

Here is the thing, if national debt is such a bad thing, then why did the republicans cut taxes to create a deficit rather than it off? The only time when the deficit matters is when there is when democrats are in the majority. The only time the national debt is going to enslave our children is when there is a democrat is in the White House.

Where was all of the outrage when the republicans created a deficit and funded not one but two wars on the federal credit card? Not a single peep from the so-called fiscal conservatives. Why should I believe the next time your ilk get control again that things will be different? It is the same lie that has been made for the past 30 years.

Conservatives love big intrusive government as much as liberals. The only difference is who gets the welfare and what mandates are forced down our throats. Instead of letting Limbaugh and Beck spoon feed you what to believe, you actually do some thinking on your own.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat of a non-sequitur but so what? I am 69 years old. I became sentient around the time of the Korean War. Never, NEVER since then, until 2004 did it ever, EVER enter my mind that there would be discussion in my nation over HOW MUCH TORTURE is OK to perpetrate upon other human beings...You fucking cretin.....You throw the term Marxist around like you have some understanding of what it means....You don't but I DO know what crimes against humanity are and ONE day we are going to see the sons of bitches who put shit on the American flag by perpetrating torture, tried for war crimes...In the mean time, all Americans can be proud that we have a man in the White House who is not only intelligent but decent. We didn't have either from 2001 until 2009 and your use of "bin lying," is beyond contemptible. You obtuse asshole...Go on over to any site that kept track of the lies that shrub Bush told and count them....Let me help you...They were within single digits of 1000. When Obama gets to 1/10 of that number, I might be concerned. I have little to worry about.

Anonymous said...

You know a conservative is full of crap when they accuse liberals of rewriting history especially in light of what is going on in Texas right now. I bet Steve even thinks that the founding fathers were all protestant Christians.

Tell me Steve, when did you stop being a republican? Was that when it became obvious that Bush was toxic to conservatism and its control of Washington? A lot of people I know of who are "not republicans" were republicans up until that point. Then, like rats on a burning ship, they bailed and started saying he was not our guy.

Here is the thing, if national debt is such a bad thing, then why did the republicans cut taxes and created a deficit rather than pay down the debt? The only time when the deficit matters is when the democrats are in the majority. The only time the national debt is going to enslave our children is when a democrat is in the White House.

Where was all of the outrage when the republicans created that deficit and funded not one but two wars on the federal credit card? I heard not a single peep from the so-called fiscal conservatives. Why should I believe the next time your ilk get control again that things will be different? The track record of the last four republican presidents is proof enough that "small government" is nothing but a talking point.

Conservatives love big intrusive government as much as liberals. The only difference is who gets the entitlements and what mandates are forced down our throats. Instead of letting Limbaugh and Beck spoon feed you what to believe, you actually do some thinking on your own. Of course, that might be assuming too much for you.

I stand by my prediction... the tea party protests will come to an end and the deficit will no longer matter (and continue to grow) as soon as the republicans are back in control. The whole idea that libertarians and tea partiers having principles is a joke.