That. believe it or not, is what a columnist for the Catholic newspaper in the Boston said is an argument for keeping the children of gay and lesbian parents out of Catholic school: The kids might bring porn to school. Oh, and they might want to be involved in school activities, a bad thing because it apparently might run counter to the hateful programming that the columnist is trying to instill in his own children, or so it seems.
Now the columnist is apologizing for offending people. But he's not retracting what he said.
(I'll bet a cup of coffee that the writer of that hate-filled screed is also one of those who routinely denounce Islam for being an intolerant and bigoted faith.)
The ones your girlfriends warned you about.
1 hour ago
The kids might... bring porn to school?
Uhm, I attended a Catholic school for two years, and porn was the *least* of things that the kids brought to school. You wanted pills of any sort? They were there by the bucketfull. No marijuana though, that was too "common" for good elite Catholic boys. But porn? What, the good Padre thinks that the students are studying *math* lessons while they're snickering over their math textbooks?! Talk about someone deranged and completely oblivious to reality!
Oh yeah, while some of us students were gay (duh), I never knew any of the gay kids to bring porn to school. Just stands to reason, most porn depicts people of the opposite sex from its intended market - duh - and gay porn didn't really exist back then, not that the gay kids would have risked it even if it did.
BTW, the Gay Kid Code was intact even back then (in the 70's). Everybody was pretty confident about who the gay boys were -- they were the ones who were taking theater class, always were perfectly dressed and coifed, and so forth. And guess what, most of those kids we thought were gay? When they finally graduated high school, they came out and moved to Montrose (a gay-oriented district of Houston). That was back when "tolerance" didn't exist and gays in the South were treated worse than blacks, guess tolerance of gay kids didn't create gays after all, who woulda thunk it?!
- Badtux the Not-oblivious Penguin
I know a guy who used to drive a garbage truck and one of the stops on his route was the local Catholic rectory in a modest sized city. Even he was taken aback by the amount and type of the porn that regularly showed up in the Fathers trash.
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