The day after a giant tsunami set off the continuing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, thousands of residents at the nearby town of Namie gathered to evacuate.There is a lot more at the link.
Given no guidance from Tokyo, town officials led the residents north, believing that winter winds would be blowing south and carrying away any radioactive emissions. For three nights, while hydrogen explosions at four of the reactors spewed radiation into the air, they stayed in a district called Tsushima where the children played outside and some parents used water from a mountain stream to prepare rice.
The winds, in fact, had been blowing directly toward Tsushima — and town officials would learn two months later that a government computer system designed to predict the spread of radioactive releases had been showing just that.
But the forecasts were left unpublicized by bureaucrats in Tokyo, operating in a culture that sought to avoid responsibility and, above all, criticism. Japan’s political leaders at first did not know about the system and later played down the data, apparently fearful of having to significantly enlarge the evacuation zone — and acknowledge the accident’s severity.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
I am old enough to know we are in effect 'Range Cattle' to the powers that be. Not food exactly, just kinda like steers for later on.
This Fukushima disaster does nothing to change my opionion.
It is interesting tho to see some of the difference of the actual disaster versus the reported one.
I mean to say I understand that they'd never give us the full story.
Each day as I drive to work I can see the Rancho Seco Cooling Tower in the distance and imagine how F'd I'd be in my mountain home if it had gone any farther.
What's that old saying "just don't drink the water and don't breathe the air"
Just what did you expect from those wonderful folks who gave your Pearl Harbor?
The Japanese Government, and their leaders, well for that matter why single them out? Most Governments and their leaders do not give a crap about the people they govern just as long their place at the trough is secured, and the slop keeps flowing.
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