That is about what the Air Force is paying for each new "Global Hawk" surveillance drone.
The usual cost-overruns and Air Force gold-plated procurement is to blame. The boys in the redyed-army uniforms, like the rest of their compatriots at Fort Fumble, have yet to figure out how to make shit without breaking the bank. The defense contractors know how to play the game; they bring in their bids at a low-ball estimate and figure that they can make their money with the inevitable change orders. And they do.
This fucking drone will end up costing more than a F-22.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
Is the command link hackable?
Just askin' . . . ;-)
You might want to ask the Russians or the Chinese.
"We have met the enemy and he is us." -Pogo
Home-built drone for elint:
I'm guessing a quarter mil would buy about 50,000 of them. least, unlike the F-22's, the Predators are flying.
(I guess that if you don't have a pilot, there's no way to poison him/her.)
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