They all thought it is a good idea to limit the use of the Internet during any unrest.
Next would be to shut off the cellular phone system. Shutting down communications is a tactic of despots. No doubt that King George III would have been pleased if his soldiers could have shut down the ability of the American Rebels to print and distribute pamphlets and books.
Rioting is a self-destructive action.* Riots generally only cause the authorities to become even more brutal and oppressive. Riots also are a sign that people feel helpless and believe that they have no power to change the system. The difference between a riot and an insurrection is that in an insurrection, people do have a sense that they can effect change.
But the UK is not the only place in the world where people are beginning to realize that the economic game is rigged.
* Rioting is also stupid. If you're going to burn down the town, why not burn down the neighborhoods where the rich folk live? For one thing, there's probably a better class of goods to loot. And why make an arson-desert of your own neighborhood?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
Sure makes me feel like stocking up on ammo.
I grew up in Berkeley of the 60's, seen a few riots already and from the street side as well.
Watts and stuff was real early but still leaves a scary memory or two.
Can't be much longer till this "unrest" spreads here.
Scary Shit.
That last bit about burning down your own neighborhood always baffled the hell out of me.
Even as poor kids, we knew the big house neighborhoods made for better trick or treating at Halloween!
Why not start in the "nice" parts of town?
Get started in 'Toffyville' and loot the Hell out of it!
Anything else would just be, well, 'Proletarian'!
There is no scarier foe than one that feels he has nothing to lose, right?
And now you can add the San Francisco BART to the list...they shut down cell phone usage on their platforms Friday to derail (no pun intended) a planned protest.
Labrys, I saw an article about that last night. Didn't get around to modifying the post, but I will.
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