Don't forget to thank a Republican. Republicans are the ones who have driven deficit spending in this country for the last 30 years.
And don't forget to thank a member of the Tea Party, for they are behind the "our guys must be simon-pure" ideological crap that passes for congressional give-and-take these days.
Oh, and don't forget to thank Grover Norquist. Why he is not being kicked in the balls on a thrice-daily basis is beyond my ken.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
28 minutes ago
Granted all of those individual are real pieces of crap, I have not yet had a taxable event, since I have been in cash since mid July. But I am getting ready to put some of my hard earned coins back into the market, but not quite yet, there is still some more down to go.
It's been a few day but I am glad to see you are still up to speed.
Here is a peck on the cheek for ya and a bit of good news.
I hate to see anyone get called over before their time.
Now I want to see who is going to be signing the checks though.
Busted, thanks for the tip.
It says something when the only guy who will speak up for someone is his attorney.
The answer is 10% worth. When you don't have much it's a bunch and it hurts. I hate these fuckers I really do.
Remember that his attorney gets paid. Even from the estate.
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