The "conservatives" keep using the shadow docket to make rulings without having to have full arguments and suchlike. They did it again today.
Funny thing: For decades, self-styled conservatives have been yammering about judicial activism and how, if their guys were on the court, that things would be different.
Not so much, it seems. So when conservatives talk about legal principles and how their side adheres to them, you can take it for granted that they are full of shit.
The Supremes have no army, they have not budgetary ability. All they have is their rulings. If people begin to truly believe that they are just another ideologically-based branch of government, then fewer and fewr people will pay deference and more will be following the possibly apocryphal words of Andrew Jackson.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Ex
39 minutes ago
Its all they ever were. B will exemplify it shortly.
The Cons said that they didn't want an activist on the Supreme Court but it's obvious tRump's three picks were picked because it was believed they would rule that their president cannot commit a crime and that they didn't believe in the separation of church and their decisions. The Jackson quote reminds me of a person I know who took someone to small claims court and won. When he asked the judge how he would collect the money the judge told him that it was up to him to go collect it.
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