Let's do away with these fucking time changes.
Set it on DST permanently. So the kids are going to school in the dark. Dodging SUVs driven by sleep-deprived workers builds character.
Or on standard time, for do we really need it to be light outside at 9 PM?
Fucking pick one, Congress. The world wars are long over. With modern electronics, air-conditioning and more efficient light bulbs, it's not as though DST saves much in the way of power anymore.
Do something productive for once in this miserable session, you worthless fucks.
We’re Glad He’s Not A Member
2 hours ago
It's been put forward again in Texas...however, there are two different proposals, one to keep Standard Time and one to keep Daylight Savings Time. Last I heard, the two sides couldn't agree to combine into a bill to stop the changes and study which time to adopt, so both proposals were going down, fucking idiots.
Ah, but how can the hands of Time move without the benevolent guidance of the State?
On this we definitely agree, Misfit.
The state senate was voting to put the cancellation of DST on the ballot, but they failed. One senator was afraid it might mess up commerce when the three hour gap between here and New York became a four hour gap. I don't understand what difference that would make. Another senator said that he "just likes it" when the time changes.
We may have Democrats running our state house, but nobody said they were smart.
-Doug in Oakland
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