The Trump administration is mandating that any studies or data from scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency undergo review by political appointees before they can be released to the public.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
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Slava Ukraini!
The Trump administration is mandating that any studies or data from scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency undergo review by political appointees before they can be released to the public.
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.You're here, you've consented. If you don't like it, go read some other goddamn blog. It's not as if you're paying me.
Yeah, that is scary.....But so is an EPA populated with "believers"...having chased out all the "skeptics"...and having squelched all data that refutes Glowbal Warming". Plus cheating on and falsifying data...
If the EPA had any credibility left, The Donald wouldn't get any traction on this..... But they don't. They abandoned any pretense of impartiality about 15 years ago. There is little science left at the EPA.
While I don't blame him for doing it, I don't like the idea, either.
Wow. No, don't do it Doug. You told yourself you would be polite.
Also of note are the pair of twenty-something goons, I mean staffers (well, one of them is probably certifiable) who just took over VOA, with it's brand new CEO-led structure (no more board of governors) new (since 2013) ability to broadcast inside the US, and $800 million budget.
As for the EPA, the scientists who work for and with them saw this coming back in November and have been scrambling to archive their data sets and store them in Canada before they can be deleted by the incoming wave of anti-science political appointees.
-Doug in Oakland
Canada wouldn't be safe for data, either. The Conservative Harper government destroyed decades of data from the Department of Oceans and Fisheries.
Funny, every time the deniers come up with a new "squelched data" theory, the process of scientific review takes place. Then the theory is proven incorrect and they seek another. The "pause", busted...turns out the people fiddling the data were the skeptics...
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