Specifically, the Rules on the Right Side of this Blog.
(Stickied for a bit. New content will be found below this post.)
Rule 1: Don't be a jerk.
Rule 2, in part: Play nice.
The discussion in a couple recent comment threads has been getting heated. One was just nasty and I removed that comment.
I encourage my readers to debate, but I insist on this: It will be done without personal attacks. I know that's easy to fall into, hell, I've done it. But that's still not right and it's not how I want to run things.
But let's be clear on this: I am saying all this to forestall a problem, not correct one. "Nip it in the bud", if you will.
The frequent commenters on this blog, liberal, conservative and inbetween, have proven themselves to be intelligent and thoughtful people.
I would be proud to have a drink with any of you.
Thank you for visiting.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
1 hour ago
Is there and email for you?
Or Email me, please.
Gotta read those disclosures and stuff, B. Read all the way down on the right hand side, just above her PGP-key.
Wow, I went past it twice before commenting.
I tried to make it hard enough to find that the spambots won't stumble across it.
Apparently, you succeeded....
Off topic - I don't know if you read The Archdruid Report, but you might find this interesting:
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