Or so he said in an interview with a German newspaper.
So Trump is planning to lift sanctions on Russia, he'll then likely recognize Russia's seizure of the Crimea and he'll do what he can to gut NATO.
Putin's getting one hell of a return on his investment in His Fraudulency.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
2 hours ago
He's not wrong...NATO IS obsolete. Has been for years. And few countries are keeping their NATO treaty obligations (IIRC,only 3 right now).
You used to be so logical. The old you would have probably approved of what Trump is saying re: NATO.....except you can't get over your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I find your loss of logic and rationality sad. I hope you get over it quickly.
And Putin's shills speak. "Arf Arf! NATO is obsolete!"
Putin's goal is to put back together the old Soviet Empire. America's interests are best served by keeping the former Soviet states separate and weak, because a newly resurgent Soviet empire is a threat to Western Europe, which, in case you haven't noticed, is a major trading partner. NATO is obsolete? Sure.... if you don't care whether Western Europe survives a newly resurgent Soviet Empire. All I gotta say is it'll cost a whole lot more to station half a million GI's in Europe again than it costs to use NATO to keep the Soviet Empire from coming back together again...
"All I gotta say is it'll cost a whole lot more to station half a million GI's in Europe again than it costs to use NATO to keep the Soviet Empire from coming back together again..."
An excellent point.
Now if only the European members would do their part.....
Anon 1-15 @9:09PM:
Rule 1 violation. Red card.
I am not thrilled by a number of the NATO states not pulling their full weight. This is a problem that goes back for awhile, though.
wasn't there a ruling made a few years back, maybe during the Dubya administration as part of the Global War on Terror (tm), that the member nations needed to spend a certain amount of GDP on the military expenditures for NATO?
Granted, there is still an issue with underfunding, but there's been good-faith efforts recently to keep up especially in the face of Putin's more aggressive actions against Ukraine. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/686136/NATO-defence-budget-boosted-6-billion-member-states-increase-spending
What Trump is threatening to do is either demolish NATO, or try and force the member nations to pay more to the US and not into NATO itself. Either way, it's not good.
Here's a pretty good view of what Russia is doing:
http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-skeptics/newsflash-russia-not-the-soviet-union-18884 And there's nothing like trying to overthrow the gov't of a NATO ally:
http://www.yenisafak.com/en/news/cias-clandestine-meeting-in-istanbul-on-coup-night-2499850 That one that stores all of the NATO nukes.
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