The Catholic Church is seeking to cloak trying to use the law to discriminate against people as "religious liberty".
They're probably kicking themselves in the ass because they didn't think of that argument as a way of stymieing investigations into their kiddie-raping priests.
Funny thing how Catholicism and the Dixie version of Christianity gets themselves all in a tizzy about gays marrying. But all of that stuff that their Savior preached about caring for the poor and the sick and the lame doesn't seem to matter to them. And all the stuff about how being rich is a great hindrance to being saved because people tend to care more for the trappings of being rich than the people around them, that gets shrugged off.
When I listen to the words of the self-styled evangelical politicians, it seems to me that I have rarely heard a pack of people that were more hateful and judgmental than those birds.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
2 hours ago
Caring for the poor and the sick and the lame is nice and all that but it doesn't buy the bishop any bling. And it doesn't put the pastor in his Gulfstream.
Attacking gays brings in more money than good works.
The Catholic Church's positions on gays, abortion, and women's rights are reprehensible, but they actually do pay more than lip service to the notion of caring for the poor and sick and all that. Catholic Services is a major provider of services to the poor and homeless in most major cities -- I've known diabetics who've gotten insulin through Catholic Services when they just couldn't scrounge up enough dough to manage it -- the Catholic church just doesn't go around boasting about how great and charitable they are, that's all. I guess because they're too busy diddling alter boys :(.
Which reminds me of something from my childhood but that's a different tale. (No, not about me, but about my father).
- Badtux the Once-Catholic Penguin
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