Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- Trump

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Who Runs America? (Hint: It's Not You Serfs.)

132 people gave 60% of the SuperPac money in 2012.

You could comfortably seat them all on a SWA 737. Not that any of them would be caught dead flying coach, if even on any airliner.

To them, the rest of us are just a pack of mouthy serfs.

I used the word "serfs" in the title because it's less inflammatory. In America, a two syllable word is more appropriate.

I say this because we went from an administration that was run by people who had zero respect for the Constitution to one that is run by a man who fucking taught constitutional law. And sure, some things changed. Less torture. No official queer-bashing.

But at the core, nothing much has changed. The economy collapsed, not because of the business cycle, but because a gang of $5,000 suit-wearing goons rigged the game and ripped everyone else off. Not only did they glom onto cash with both hands during the boom, once the bust happened, they pretty much held a gun to the world's economy and got the Feds, both administrations, mind you, to give them even more money.

Other than the same sort of insider-trading that the government used to make against greedy jerks anyway, nobody went to jail. Hell, none of the big fish got hurt in any way.

Besides handing out cash, the Federal government has claimed the right to kill anybody it wants to, as long as it speaks the majick incantation "war on terror". Torture still goes on, to some extent. None of the former officials of the Bush Administration can travel to most countries without the fear that they will be arrested and prosecuted for war crimes. The same will likely hold true of the Obama Administration once they leave office.

On the Left and on the Right, at least, the Libertarian part of the Right, there is outrage building about the militarization of the police: From masked cops with automatic weapons, MRAPs in police hands, to tossing flash-bang grenades into children's bedrooms and vacuuming up cell phone calls. Thanks to the Snowden revelations, lots of people are pissed off at government monitoring of all forms of electronic communications.

But what happens? The cops continue with their main mission, now, of suppression of the civilian populace. Not a single political entity has reduced a police agency's budget. The vaunted intelligence reforms that are coming out of Congress have enough holes in them to fly a 747 through without scraping the winglets. Nothing's changing there, either, other than maybe around the margins. The FBI still uses national security letters to bypass the 4th Amendment. The NSA will continue to collect everything and, eventually, store it all.

The oligarchs are openly buying the political process by setting up well-funded astroturf groups. Yes, it was primarily conservatives who pioneered this, but liberal rich people are jumping into the game. It takes a new worth of a few hundred million, maybe, to play this game on a state level and billions to play the game on a national level, but they're doing it.

The politicians pay attention to the rest of us only in election season and in some states, such as West Virginia, not even then. If an election isn't that year, most of the legislators, state and federal, believe we'll forget about their fuckery. And so they answer only to the monied classes, the upper 0.1%, if not the top 0.01%. Or, in the case of SuperPac donors, the top 0.000042%.

For those folks have all of the money. The wealthy have worked for decades to gut the unions, who once could pool the resources of tens millions of members, to counter the influence of the rich. No more. Which is one of the reasons why, other than the wealthiest, the real income of the rest of the population has been essentially stagnant for forty years.

So here is the essential truth of this nation in this new millennium: It doesn't matter if your skin color is Irish-pasty, Somali-black or any shade in between. It doesn't matter what your profession is, whether you're a neurosurgeon or you dry cars at a car wash. Doesn't matter what your gender or sexual orientation is. If you aren't one of the politically powerful or if you don't have at least a nine-figure net worth, you're just one of the mouthy niggers that the oligarchy has to hear nattering in the background. Their only fear is that we'll show up at the polls in numbers enough to defeat a chosen candidate (i.e., Scott Brown, for one).

And if you are one of the politicians, you're just one electoral defeat away from being just another one of the serfs.


Old NFO said...

Y'all got what you voted for... TWICE...

Comrade Misfit said...

If you think that things would have been any different under a McCain or Romney presidency, then I have got some prime swampland for you to buy.

CenterPuke88 said...

Just read the latest on "Stingray". The Constitution is finished, unless the Roberts Court sees fit to finally respect either the ideals or the intent of it...that being said, I have little enough hope for that.

So do we:

1) Slide quietly into serfdom.

2) Revolt, using all those pretty guns that were to be confiscated but have not been. The end result of said revolt is #1 above with harsher conditions but fewer people.

3) Demonstrate,. See #2's path to #1

4) Collapse. A lot of people dead, the rest scavengers until another country occupies us...Mexico, Brazil?

5) Change systems, a la the French Revolution. Result here being a lot of people dead also and, perhaps, an Emperor.

6) Sit around hoping somehow we'll get through this.

7) Chant "America is exceptional", we'll be fine.


Comrade Misfit said...

This isn't a "R vs. D" issue. That our system is now blatantly "money talks" is not a bug anymore. It's a feature. And unless you're on of the Oligarchy, it doesn't benefit you.

The New York Crank said...

I rather like CenterPuke's Option #5, which I predict will eventually take place unless the oligarchy backs down.

I probably won't live long enough to see it, old fogey that I am, but my estate is herewith placing a dollar bet on thelikelyt locations of guillotines in New York City.

1) Corner of Wall and Broad, catty corner from the Federal museum where a statue in front depicts George Washington taking the oath of office and (appropriately) right across the street from the old J.P. Morgan bank building.

2) Times Square, in front of the bleachers at the intersection of 47th/7thAvenue/Broadway in front of what is now the TKTS stand.

3) Washington Square Park under or in front of the Washington Square arch.

4) Foley Square

5) Lincoln Center, in front of the fountain between the Philharmonic building, the Metropolitan Opera building, and the New York City ballet building.

6) The center of the quad at the Columbia University campus, or perhaps on the steps of the Nicholas Murray Butler library.

Remember kids. The cranky old geezer told you so.

Yours most crankily,
The New York Crank

Comrade Misfit said...

I haven't been in the city for a long time, but why not Battery Park or Yankee Stadium? Madison Sq. Garden for rainy days?

CenterPuke88 said...

Comrade, excellent locations for the first round of shortenings...good locations for the second and third, but by the time you get to round five or six, the more secrecy, the better!

Stewart Dean said...

Or you can do your own one-offs :) like Procrustes, some you shorten, some your lengthen.