So I'm going to plug in a DVD of Blazing Saddles.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
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I saw Blazing Saddles once, back in first run. Of course there were some hilarious, even quotable, moments. Never saw it a second time in the theaters, and there was no point seeing it butchered for TV. Fast forward thirty or so years and I found a DVD in a bargain bin somewhere. "Ah, ha," I said, "I'll re-live some of my yout'."
I guess I've changed, and I'm sure people who hate political correctness will hate me, but that was the most uncomfortable movie to watch since Reefer Madness or The Birth of a Nation (or any Ayn Rand movie).
Really—I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired
LRod, Richard Pryor wrote all the black jokes, and Mel Brooks wrote all the Jew jokes. Other than the ending (which sucked), Blazing Saddles was/is a brilliant send-up of racism, crony capitalism, the common clay of the New West, and pretty much every other sacred cow you'll have ever heard of. If you find it uncomfortable, well, you're supposed to, a little -- it's the kind of movie where you're wincing as you're laughing.
- Badtux the Movie Critic Penguin
Pryor is also skewering American racial myths from the black side. All those "trickster" legends take a severe beating, for example. It took me years to notice that. That was when I finally figured out how good Richard Pryor really was.
I saw the movie in the theater in a town that was about 60% Jewish. When the Yiddish-speaking Indians attacked the wagon train, I could barely hear the movie over the laughter.
LRod, "Birth of a Nation" took itself seriously. "Blazing Saddles" is a huge parody, complete with "4th wall" dialogue. Hell, when they got Frankie Lane to sing the theme song, they didn't dare tell him that it was a parody for fear of affecting his performance.
I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy.
Holy underwear! Sheriff murdered! Innocent women and children blown to bits! We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!
For our current President maybe it should say Economy murdered, home owners and small business blown to bits
Wasn't comparing the movies other than to say they were uncomfortable to watch.
Yes, Pryor was a genius. Some of the funniest stuff I ever heard was from him.
ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired
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