The S-200, a 55-year old mssile system, which Ukraine allegedly used to shoot down a second Russian A-50.
If you love fascism, if you want to see Russia reconquer most of Eastern Europe, then vote for Republicans. If you believe that the Russians have reverted to being the same evil empire that they were labelled in the early 1980s, then don't vote for Republicans.
It is that simple.
Sorry, But Santa Is Way Ahead Of You
2 hours ago
burns a fuel called TG-02 Samin (50% xylidine and 50% triethylamine), oxidized by an agent called AK-27P (red fuming nitric acid enriched with nitrogen oxides, phosphoric acid and hydrofluoric acid).
Whoa, Nellie. That's gotta have a nice long stable shelf life! When you care enough to send the very best.
I stand corrected
Lets throw this one into the hopper. Asymmetric warfare at its best?
So now they may have only one fully-operational A-50?
What fall guy gets to bring that news to the Czar?
Ah, but Comrade, We have many, many Potemkin A-50, we will take the Tsar the airport and show him lines of them.. Besides what does it matter? We throw people and material in the meatgrinder of War....That is what Mother Russia does, quantity eventually buries our qualities of our enemies.
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