There is some brouhaha about how corporate shills are rife within the platform and rules committees.
Here's the dirty little secret: Nobody outside of the process gives a shit.
Here's why: Unless the party brass uses the rules to deny the nomination to the candidate who has the most delegates, it doesn't matter. Nobody gives a fuck about the "party platform". Whoever wins the nomination will run on whatever positions they choose. The only two functions of a party platform are to a) mollify the rubes who care about a particular issue , and b) give the other side something to lambaste the party about ("The Democrats want to abort into the sixth trimester"/"The Republicans want to issue M-4 carbines to fourth-graders").
The only vote(s) that matters is the one for the presidential candidate. Whoever wins that will get the veep candidate of their choice. The rest is eyewash and bullshit. For whoever wins the nomination will run on their own policy positions and those are what they may try to enact.
How Cats Perceive Taste
5 hours ago
Kabuki theater - leaves the rubes feeling as if they had participated.
If it feels like I've been around for 15 years, it's because I have been. Yep, the Jurassic One wrote his first blog post about John Kerry and the 2004 election 15 years ago. But my rent's gone up $150 over the last decade and Mrs. JP, Popeye the cat and I need help. So if you can help us out in any way possible, please do so. There are Paypal links on my site.
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