Because the trial of the cop who summarily executed Mr. Walter Scott is apparently going to be declared to be a mistrial because one juror still thinks that way.
I have almost zero doubt that a Justice Department run by Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will not hesitate to drop the associated civil rights case.
This is what also drives me a little bonkers about the "Blue Lives Matter" crap. Cops' lives have always mattered. In most places, a person who assaults or kills a cop is going to be sent away for a lot longer time than if they had done the same deed to a somebody who is not a police officer. If you had a concealed weapons permit and you shot a fleeing man in the back after a fight, you would be headed to prison for a very long time.
But not if you're a cop, especially if you're not a cop in South Carolina. (Especially if you're willing to get on the stand and give a story that is completely at odds with the video of the crime.)
UPDATE: Yep. Mistrial.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
"I have almost zero doubt that a Justice Department run by Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will not hesitate to drop the associated civil rights case."
What makes you think this?
Because doing that would please Trump's base of neo-nazis and cops, while enraging people who aren't supporting him to begin with.
Trump can hardly get fewer black votes in `20 than he did this time.
The facts in most of these cases show that, while tragic, the shootings were not illegal.
Not this one. What is in this juror's head?
I assume that, if premediatation on the part of the juror can be shown, he can be charged?
Reports indicate that all but one juror met the eyes of the judge, courtroom and lawyers, we will soon know who this individual is and perhaps their motivation. I do not wish any harm to them, but I do wish charges if warranted by the fact they may have lied during voir dire. By the same token, someone is likely to take their anger too far, though I hope not.
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