Point 1: If you are asking for an applicant's date of birth, you are opening yourself wide to an age discrimination beef. I hope you enjoy spending endless hours in depositions and complying with discovery requests, you putz.
Point 2: Why are you asking for a Social Security Number, asswipe? For what possible reason?
Die in a crotch fire.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
Sounds more like a phishing attempt to me.
This was for a big utility and a large bank, both of which tend to think that they don't have to worry about legalities.
They both want to run a credit check on you therefore the SSI and DOB. If a bank didn't check your background they might end up hiring someone like Jaime Dimon or Lloyd Blankfein.
Fortune 500 companies pull a credit report on you as a matter of course. It's all about making sure that no unseemly unemployed untermenschen might apply for them, because said unemployed would not, of course, have a spotless credit record. For the Fortune 500, they want to hire you only if you're already employed. For HR at the Fortune 500, it's all about how many possible qualified candidates they can remove from the candidate pool, not about finding the best person to do the job -- HR views humans as replaceable utensils so that one is no different from any other, thus they can't actually look at things like talent when hiring. After all, they might accidentally hire a smrt person that way, and those smrt people are all troublemakers.
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
(Who has received offers from Fortune 500 companies but would sooner shoot himself).
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