There is going to be a Running of the Morons on November 6th in South Bend, Indiana, when a group of religious nutbags will assemble to proclaim that the Earth is in the center of the Universe.
I'm surprised they're not holding this conference in Midland, Texas, for the Texas Board of Edjumacation would probably be sympathetic to their droolings. It seems kind of unfair to besmirch the state of Indiana with this collection of know-nothing Thumpers.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
24 minutes ago
Hardly being unfair to Indiana. Between the world wars, Indiana had the largest Klan outside the good ol' Southland. Flat earthers are just showing their sweeter side.
But RobertaX and Tam live in Indiana and they are good people. I have another friend, or former friend, who lives there (we had a disagreement and haven't spoken since), so I'm not too eager to tar Indiana.
This is a joke, right? There's no way idiots like this could honestly profess to have gotten college degrees, right? Please tell me it's an Onion joke.
No These people are just so wrapped up in a piece of prose that facts are a conspiracy against the inerrant one true book.
Bah humbug!
Oh, they're real. What gets me, though, is that they use the word "theory" to describe their beliefs. For a viable scientific theory, there has to be observations that the theory seeks to coalesce into a form of coherent scheme. Geocentrism fails in that regard.
Unfortunately, about a fifth of Americans (not much less in other industrialized nations) believe in this tripe.
Are geocentrism and flat Earth-ism related? Or independent?
If one believes both things, you have to wonder where they think the sun goes at night.
I'd also like to ask a flat Earther to point towards Mt. Everest.
It's a clear indication that there are people that have failed critical thinking 101. And proud of it!
Its seriously taking dogma to be scientific data. It would be hilarity save for these people are willing to argue it despite facts and reality. The few times I've encountered the hardcore in real life I cut to calling Sturgeon's Law as the SNR has exceeded Bullshit levels.
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