If you go back and play the clip, here, she mentions that she had a "date with a witch".
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that males who practiced witchcraft were called "warlocks."
So did O'Donnell also dabble at being a lesbian? That would be kind of funny, given that O'Donnell has made several comments that gays and lesbians are "suffering from an identity disorder"; which must go over very well with her sister.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
Only on "Bewitched" are male witches called warlocks. The word actually comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word, iirc, that means something like "oathbreaker". Modern religious witchcraft, such as Wicca, does not use the term. Nor would there be blood in any neo-pagan witchcraft rite.
But I think she dated some poser who wanted to impress her with the ooky spooky. Or perhaps a Satanist, tho' they don't use blood in rites either. I think she is a moron who bought some line from an edgy bad-boy, hook and sinker included.
That was then, she's OK now. She has been living with her boyfriend for the last two years.
I'm with Labrys on that one. Some edgy boy was putting the woowoo on her. That she fell for it suggests that her convictions were both non-existant and she is an idiot.
As to her other comment. It's unfortunate as she is apparently not at all knowledgeable or educable. The later being one of the psychological signs of true mental deficiency. At best she has learned to parrot lines most often heard from religious right and the political rad-right.
So it only confirms what anyone with a critically functional brain knows O'Donnell is at best a flake and hasn't used her brain in years save to keep her ears from clapping together.
I knew there was something about that video that was wrong. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that she was speaking with absolute truth (truthyness). What would be surprising about a wingnut ranting about gays who turned out to be.......not heterosexual?
I just dismissed O'Donnell's statements, as it's clear from her past & present behavior her word isn't worth street sweepings; I suspect she's not only as superstitious as a medieval peasant but at least mildy schizophrenic too.
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