A few years ago, I gave money to the guy who ran against that batshit crazy congresswoman from Minnesota. [1] As a result, my email address seems to be one of those traded around by Democrats and I get "please, please send me money" e-mails from more and more of them.
I expect that now ol' Charlie Rangel is officially in trouble, that I'll be getting more from him.
Generally, I don't care for term limits. To my mind, imposing term limits only says "we don't trust you stupid idiot voters to do what is necessary". Rangel is, however, a poster child for term limits. I feel that he is the sort of politician who grows into a sense of entitlement and, whatever he can glom onto, he thinks he has it coming to him. He may not have taken anywhere near as much in "tips" as Former Congressman Randy "Call Me Inmate 94405-198" Cunningham, but a smaller-time crook is still a crook.
I'll shed no tears for you, Chuckie.
[1]He lost.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
I read somewhere earlier today that ol Chuckie's ammended tax returns included TWO checking accounts with over five hundred grand in 'em apiece.
That ain't small time potatoes in my book.
I don't give a shit which side of the aisle they are on, Book 'em, Danno.
At least he'll be judged by a jury of his peers.
Frakkin' theives
The only thing wrong with term limits is that most are too short. I like setting the limit depending on the power of the office.
Pres/VP 2 terms. In total. It works.
Senator 3 terms. That's 18 years.
House 5 terms. That's 20 years.
If everyone is on the same time limit power does not flow as well through seniority. And we get younger people through turnover. Fewer 80-90 year old codgers with 40 years in wanting time to stand still. Or worse yet reverse. If you can't get something positive done in 18 or 20 yrs, you should be moved out. Someone is going to say, what about Ted Kennedy or Byrd? Kennedy worked on HCR for what, his whole time in office, how far did he get? Byrd had to be wheeled in off his death bed for his final vote. They may have been good folks but what did they actually accomplish for the country?
"Dukie" was my congressman. Bilbray is just a wannabe Teabagger, and worthless as teats on a boar, although term limits are for him. It's a given that corruption happens around here, what with all those juicy mil contractors. *sigh*
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