"Covert Affairs" on the USA Network. The action supposedly takes place in the "Domestic Protection Division" of the CIA, which would be amusing if not for the point that the CIA is not supposed to operate on U.S. soil.
I can see why the show is based on that premise, though, as location shooting overseas would be expensive and other nations might not be too thrilled at the idea of a show about CIA operations operating in their borders. But this show, whether unintended or not, this show makes the idea of the CIA operating within the U.S. more acceptable.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
12 minutes ago
Be interesting to see how easily the show got approved. Or if the network now has access to a mysterious line of funding.
And when I was younger, they claimed the CIA had never approved or conducted assassinations, also.
The CIA has worked on native soil in the past, they just don't admit to it.
Bob, indeed. What constantly amazes me is that people expect an agency whose job it is to spy and commit other illegal acts would not have a qualm about doing things that they are not supposed to be doing.
Thanks for saying that.
I enjoyed watching it even as I realized it's just schooling us to want more CIA unplugged in this country.
As if we don't have enough trouble already.
this show makes the idea of the CIA operating within the U.S. more acceptable.
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