But they are going to pay out $550 million to make the SEC charges go away.
Right, the Global Vampire Squid was innocent as a new-born babe. Which is why they are paying out that much cash to settle the SEC's case against them.
On the other hand, half-a-billion or so to those thieves is chump change. They probably expense that much a year in food and booze. A proper fine against those bastards would be $30 billion or so.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Wow you sounded like edward G...see
Couldn't we lash those bastards too?
I don't think fining them will work, no matter how large the fine; money is just something they play with to get more money. Somehow a few of them need to do jail time. I don't know how it could be possible, and I certainly don't think it's likely, but I can't make myself believe that they would listen to anything less.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug, oh, I've been calling for a few heads to be taken for two years. And I mean that literally.
I know $500 mil sounds like a lot, but I don't think it is to them. And, jeez, they rolled over fast. It makes me wonder what they didn't want coming out in discovery.
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