Has died. He was 83. Those from the first 2/3rds of the baby boom will remember him as "Mr. Phelps" on the original "Mission: Impossible" series.
I first heard about his death this morning; Al Roker mentioned it during the "Wake Up With Al" show on the Weather Channel. He suggested that, considering the weather in the northeast, that it was a good day to "stay inside and watch gladiator movies." Stephanie Abrams, who apparently had no idea what Roker was talking about, said that she would go rent a gladiator movie.
So, for those who also had no idea what Al Roker was referring to:
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
He is survived by his brother, James Arness, of 'Gunsmoke' fame.
If you want to have some fun get the movie that Airplane was based on and made great fun of,"Zero Hour"
Zero Hour! is a 1957 movie written by Arthur Hailey, starring Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell, and Sterling Hayden, and released by Paramount Pictures. Zero Hour! served as the basis for the spoof Airplane!.[1] Zero Hour! was a remake of Hailey's 1956 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation play Flight into Danger.[citation needed] Hailey also co-wrote a novel with John Castle based on the same premise, titled Flight Into Danger: Runway Zero-Eight (1958).
I read over on Avsig that Zucker bought the rights to Zero Hour! in order to make Airplane!
I happened on Zero Hour last week. I recall seeing this as a child but never put it together about Airplane! until viewing it again. And you're right, it is fun to watch!
Ewww, you wake up with Al Roker?
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