It's not as though that flag is flying from the mast of a ship in a Force 9 gale. That flag is not flying from a fort that is being shelled by the Royal Navy. That this flag is flown in such a condition shows that the people who are flying it are casually and carelessly disrespectful of the flag.
Hell, I think it is even more disrespectful than burning it in protest. At least the protesters know what the flag stands for and, in a twisted way, they are acknowledging as much. Here, the flag is being treated more like a piece of decor, an ornament, and not as a symbol of our nation.
This is so wrong that it is not merely wrong.
If your flag is in such a condition, then shame on you. Better a bare pole than a tattered flag.
Whoever flew that flag is still one step above those with the flag clamped into their car windows, whipping it to shreds at highway speeds.
And while we're on this subject, Can we mention the flags mounted on my local firetrucks, in line with the rear wheel, directly in the mud spray on rainy days?
Um...I am not bothered by flag-burning per se, though I am dismayed by the hostile intent toward Americans symbolized by flag-burning. Nevertheless, I do find it indicative of a profound laziness & ignorance of the principles the flag stands for when people who display it don't follow the correct protocols for display.
That's disgraceful; I've seen old battle standards that were in better condition.
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