Class act.
Why do the Teabaggers hate democracy? Why do they hate freedom? If they are so against the idea that there are two political parties and that the party in power will enact the legislation that they favor, why don't they just leave this country and move to a one-party state that is more in tune with their ideals? Heck, they can move to a no-government state if they want.
But if they have so little faith in the political process, here is a free word of advice for the Teabaggers: Emigrate.
But they never (never!) take advice from smarter people.
Emigrate? But there isn't anything outside of the USA, as far as teabaggers know! Otherwise they'd know that the bill Obama will sign in a couple of days sets up a healthcare insurance system similar to the Swiss system with a bit of German thrown in, and I've never heard of anybody calling the money-grubbing gnomes of Switzerland "socialist". But I'm sure the teabaggers could manage it. If they knew Switzerland existed, that is. Which they don't, because they're ignorant cretins whose only real complaint is that a big buck negro is in the White House and they can't deal with that at all...
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
@BadTux: Odds are they know Switzerland exists, and are pretty sure it's right next door to Norway.
But anyway: "If Brown can't stop it, a Browning can"? What. The. Fuck.
wv: psycoi. And how.
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