I do not support the concept of issuing a national ID card. Some sort-sighted jerks, like the editorial board of the Christian Science Monitor, think it is a great idea.
I do not. I think Tam is right on the money: The minute that any administration proposes the issuance of a "national ID card", there will be a shitstorm of protest that will make the Tea-Bagger rallies of last summer look like garden parties of Emily Post adherents. You'll see folks from the ACLU to the NRA and everyone in-between linking arms in opposition to this idea.
That people like Senators Graham and Schumer apparently think that this is a great idea just show how out of touch almost all of the Villagers truly are.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
Yeah, then it'll be micro-chipped at birth and an indelible barcode tattoo on the left wrist.
Unfortunately, we lost this battle a long time ago. What do you think a Social Security card is?
Issued at birth, following you from the cradle to the grave. What difference does the physical card make when the first question out of anyone's mouth is: "What is your Social Security number?" The card itself is an afterthought.
Right now I have three photo IDs. My driver's license (required by the state), my "Transportation Worker Identification Credential" (required by the Department of Homeland Security for my work) and my passport (required by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for international travel). Plus my SS card, which is required for employment.
The TWIC is, for all practical purposes, a Federal driver's license that will be required of all commercial operators in coming years. The process is more insidious than a bill that demands ID. Just as the SS number increasingly became an ID number, despite promises back in the 30's that it would never be used that way, the Feds will simply rope more and more professions into their "positive ID" schemes.
After all, they never came out and said they intended to fingerprint every adult in America, but right now they're up to sixty percent. And they're always looking for an excuse to collect a few more...
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