Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died, millions have been displaced, and we have bankrupted our national national treasury as a result of their lies.
An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network.
They lied. They were lying from day one. All of the justifications for Bush's invasion of Iraq have been proven to be nothing but lies, lies and more lies.
If you still think that Saddam was linked to al-Qaeda and that he was responsible for 9-11, you are (a) willfully blind; (b) part of the neo-con conspiracy to sell the Iraq War; or (c) dumber than a mud fence.
Any questions?
We Can’t Solve Your Issues, Both Refund And Daddy
7 minutes ago
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