"Admiral Fallon reached this difficult decision entirely on his own," Gates said yesterday in an unscheduled news conference.
Yeah, right. Tell me another.
That's like marching a guy at gunpoint to the edge of a cliff, prodding him in the ass with a bayonet and then, when he jumps, claiming that "he made the decision to jump on his own." Senior commanders do not abruptly resign their posts in the middle of their tours by submitting a telephoned resignation. They certainly do not do that in wartime.
Bush listens to his commanders. Unless they tell him things he doesn't want to hear. Then he gets himself new commanders. Shinseki. Batiste. Fallon. Sanchez. They are not around, largely because they dared to disagree with the party line as put forth by the (Vice) President.
This was a firing, folks. That the MSM seems to be so supinely accepting the spin that "Fallon resigned of his own accord" is both shameful and shows an appalling lack of understanding of the military.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
This is really really really BAD NEWS.
Good background info at Pen and Sword:
I agree with Jeff. The firing is a step towards clearing the decks for yet another foolish war.
No, the MSN "accepting" the spin is what they view their job as being -- transcriptionists to power. Nobody in a position of power is saying that Fallon *didn't* resign voluntarily, so they do not transcribe anything like that.
I once got in an argument about that. "You know that Joe Pol is just saying a bunch of lies. Why are you printing all those lies?" "It's my job to accurately print what he says, not to evaluate whether what he is saying is true or not. That would be analysis, not news."
Yep, right from the horses' mouth: Today's newspaper editors view the job of their reporters as being accurate transcriptionists, *not* as folks seeking the truth. Because seeking the truth would be "analysis", not "news".
And you wonder why newspaper circulations continue to plummet?!
- Badtux the News Penguin
If the MSM views itself as stenographers, then we can hire a bunch of them, instead. Or people from Fixed Noise.
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