Bush threatens to veto a FISA bill if it arrives on is desk without telecom immunity.
He says: "The American people understand the stakes in this struggle."
That's right, we do. This fight is not about keeping us safe. This fight is all about keeping Bush safe. It is all about not revealing the immense criminality of George Bush and Richard Cheney. It is all about not revealing how AT&T and Verizon rolled over for the Bush Administration in complete defiance of the Constitution and Federal law.
And it is all about how the wiretapping program began more than six months prior to the 9/11 attacks. It is all about how the "fight terror" wiretaps did nothing of the sort.
It is all about the repeated lies. And if telecom immunity is not granted, those lies will come to light and the Bush Administration will be thoroughly discredited for all time to come, if not subjected to criminal prosecution.
That is what this is all about. It has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with covering Bush's ass, as well as the assess of those Republicans who have been defending him for the last seven years and who will be truly shown to have been "useful idiots" if the details of the wiretapping program are dragged out into the sunlight.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
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