I'll bet somewhere there are Wal-Mart executives and lawyers high-fiving each other and drinking champagne because they managed to score a victory over a woman with disabling brain damage. I'll bet money that they go home each night, proud of doing a good job for their company.
Wal-Mart had $90 billion in sales in one quarter. Their 3rd quarter profit for 2007 was almost $3 billion. You think that if they had one spark of humanity left in their blackened, blasted souls, that they would have not tried to recover a few hundred grand from a woman suffering both a severe brain injury and who then lost her son in Iraq.
But no, you'd be wrong. They are soulless, evil, twisted greedy creatures. Vultures prey on the sick. So do Wal-Mart executives.
i would NEVER shop at wal mart -- and the residents of NYC have fought to keep them out -- and have won so far./ i am sure that wont last
I fucking hate Wal*Mart with a passion. Unfortunately, so many damn people shop there (because we need more cheap China-made crap!) that they will probably end up owning our asses one day.
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