Found on Harper's:
If you think that you will resist such things, remember that the cops who would do this are quite possibly your friends, your neighbors. You see them in the stores, you might have chatted with them at your kid's ballgames or swim meets.
Will you shoot them?
For all the "cold, dead hands" and "come and get them" and "molon lave" slogans I've seen, as far as I know, everywhere that gun confiscation has been carried out, from Nazi Germany to Britain to Australia and New Orleans (right after Hurricane Katrina hit), nobody has ever stood their ground against the authorities. Nobody.
Where there was resistance, look how long it took before people gave up hope that "surely, they cannot be such monsters." The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was three years after the Germans formed the ghetto to isolate the Polish Jews and prepare them for extermination.
Will you shoot them if they come for you?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
Though I may be a pacifist at heart, I'd fight with anything available.
Do you have a rifle? Do you know how to shoot?
If you cannot answer in the affirmative to both questions, I submit that resistance would indeed be futile.
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