A mother and her five year old son went to get on a flight at Sea-Tac Airport. But because the kid's name was on the No-Fly List, he got the full-blown "You Might Be a Terrorist" treatment from the goons at the TSA.
There seems to be a real lack at the TSA of several things: "Discretion," "brains," and "common sense" would have to be very high on the list. This is the sort of event that just convinces people that the TSA is staffed full of badge-toting jack-booted morons.
The TSA and their inept overlords at DHS had better get a clue. This is still a democracy and if they piss enough people off, they will lose their phony-baloney jobs.
(H/T to BadTux)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
19 minutes ago
And how about our U.S. Supreme Court ruling that people dying of cancer can't use experimental drugs to treat their otherwise-untreatable cancers because, err, they might die.
WTF? Since when did it matter whether you died of cancer or from some untested drug? Oh right, I forgot. If people could choose how to die, they might somehow think they live in a free country or somethin'. Can't have that!
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
The TSA is about as useful as the UN. Both need to be dumped.
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