But more to the point, I saw this a couple of days ago on Tam's blog:
"..The only GOP candidates I could have held my nose and pulled the lever for have either already dropped out or are trailing so far back that they can't even see the pack from where they're standing. So it looks like I'll either be going fishing on election day or making a protest vote of some sort.
"And before you even think about puffing up and sputtering something about "Are you just going to give Hillary the White House?" just put a sock in it, because it wasn't me, brother. It was all you idiots who put candidates out there that got tied up in pointless jackassery like rearranging the 'gay marriage' and 'flag burning' and 'stem cell' deck chairs after the USS Conservative had already hit the iceberg. Your typical Republican these days is worried more about what's printed on the money than where it comes from or what it gets spent on.
"That's it. I'm done. No more "change from within". A pox on you and your Grand Old Party. We've grown so far apart that I'd be as well off lecturing the Democrats on gun rights and laissez faire economics as I would be convincing the GOP to keep its hands to itself."
Actually, I suspect Tam would be better off lecturing the Democrats on gun rights, as there are not a few Democrats, including Bill Clinton, who recognized that the Brady Bill cost them the Congress in 1994. If a Democrat wins the White House, I figure it will be only a few years before they try a gun control measure that costs them at least the House, if not the Senate.
The Republicans seem to be prone, though, to jackassery. Terri Schiavo was a prime case. So was the manufactured outrage over Moveon.org's "General Betray-us" advertisement. It didn't bother them a whit that Chimpy made the Constitution into an assrag and asserted near dictatorial powers, but let two lesbians get married in Massachusetts and the Earth's crust quivers from the force of their outrage.
No wonder the real small-government traditional conservatives are fed up.
Maybe they would be better off running Cthulhu.
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