It's probably no shock to anyone that I differ from some of my liberal friends when it comes to private ownership of firearms. I do think it's a personal choice and if someone feels so trusting of the world that they think they can be perfectly safe in it without a weapon, that's their call.
But if this article is anywhere near close to the truth, if Hucakbee is our next president and if you are of the "I don't need a gun" crowd, you might want to reconsider. For they fully intend to come after you.
Huckabee is a supporter of the "Council of Conservative Citizens", which is the successor group to the the sheet-wearing "White Citizens' Councils." When a politician starts talking about it being OK to fly the Confederate Flag, as Huckabee did, that is nothing more than a modern-day equivalent of saying "I stand with you against the niggers." He couldn't be any plainer about it if he attended a Klan rally.
Huckabee is also a supporter of Christian Dominionism. This is a concept that, at its no-holds-barred-nuttiest, calls for the "denaturalization" of every American who doesn't follow its tenets and the reinstatement of slavery. If you do not proclaim allegiance to their definition of God, then you would be stoned to death. If you are a Wiccan, be warned: They plan to start with you folks. Then they'll go after the gays and yes, they will eventually get around to the Jews.
This may be what Huckabee has in mind when he said: "I believe it's a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards."
Buy rifles and learn how to use them, folks. They may come in handy sooner rather than later.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
got the rifles, need new scopes!
Fuckin' eyes are going.
Then again, maybe I'll just get something that throws more lead.
Busted, you're better off with a shotgun. Load it with buckshot and you're all set. Leave the long distance snipering to the younger folk.
Not that it makes any difference. Today's paramilitary police forces are experts at taking down armed dissidents, thanks to the so-called "War on Drugs" (which should actually be called the "War on Americans"). Here's how they do it. First, they get a no-knock warrant from a handy judge appointed by their favorite fascist. Then while you're sleeping, they shoot stun and flash grenades through all your windows. Moments later, while you're blinded and disoriented, a heavily-armored team smashes through your front door with a battering ram and rushes in. Note that you have not yet had time to reach for your rifle or shotgun. If you do reach for your rifle or shotgun, you are dead. Even if you did manage to get your rifle or shotgun, the chances of you getting a head shot that'll take out the paramilitary thugs coming after you before they manage to take you out is pretty slim. Note that it takes a head shot because their body armor is military-quality and will stop pretty much anything other than a RPG AP round. We ain't talkin' Vietnam-era flak jackets no more, our jackboots have the best paramilitary regalia that money can buy.
That is how it works in Soviet America, my friend. Enjoy your "freedom".
- Badtux the Paramilitary-observin' Penguin
Badtux, I am not envisioning a scenario where we all sit around and wait for the Christian Storm Troopers to come for us.
The "Christian Storm Troopers" will be your local police forces. They are already experienced in paramilitary enforcement of insane laws at the demand of the national government, thanks to the War on Drugs, and have been instilled with an "us vs. them" attitude which views all "civilians" as "the Enemy". If they are handed a warrant to arrest you for "immoral actions" (said actions could be anything the fundies don't like, once the Constitution is re-written), they will do so happily and gleefully. Any cops with moral qualms about enforcing any law on the books have left the field or will soon leave the field (i.e. are currently rookies), and the remaining cops will enforce the law regardless of how immoral the law.
So what I hear you proposing is that you will take out the members of your local police department. I'm not sure how you would accomplish this, cops have a serious advantage in terms of intelligence, tactics, communications, and ability to concentrate their forces to take out their opposition one perp at a time. And they go batshit nuts upon one of their membership getting taken out, to the point where even hardened gang-bangers are reluctant to pop a cop because if they do, cops swarm their neighborhoods and start popping suspected gang-bangers just on principle until someone fingers the perp, at which point they pop the perp who popped a cop (usually).
But do go on, I'm interested in hearing more of your theories about how having a rifle leaning against your nightstand is going to stop the warriors of your local police force from enforcing duly-passed laws...
Sorry, Badtux, this is an argument you don't get to have with me. I'm Jewish. Waiting around for them to come and take me away is not an option. I'm not so whacked as to believe in a "Red Dawn" sort of thing.
But I will not go quietly. I made that resolution when I was in my teens after reading about the Holocaust.
I resolved not to go quietly. Not when I was 16. Not now. And not when I'm in my 80s.
Given that scenario, I suggest you take a lesson from the insurgency in Iraq. They have become masters of booby-trapping entrances to targeted homes. The goal is to slow down the entry of the enemy enough to either have time to get to their own weapons or escape through a hidden exit. The result is that our military is becoming increasingly wary of entering homes on search-and-seizure missions, and instead calls in air strikes. If our own jets start dropping bombs on our own cities, I suspect even the most moronic of Americans will figure out that something very bad has happened to our government.
The other suggestion is a sawed-off shotgun loaded with buckshot. You have far better chance of hitting something with this weapon in the conditions that will apply (stunned, deafened, halfway-blinded by the flash grenades). If the entrances to your home are booby trapped even with just flashbangs of your own, that will likely slow things down long enough to get to your own weapons. Aim for the head.
Let us hope it never gets to that point...
Aim for the head.
Always, Badtux. Less damage to the meat, less damage to the pelt.
Let us hope it never gets to that point...
Amen to that.
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