Or a Black & Decker "Brew & Go" for $31:

Maybe the Brew & Go doesn't make as good a cup of coffee as the Clover, but you have $10,970 left over to console yourself, plus, it comes with a mug. And that's list price, it doesn't include the 10% discount offered by the web store selling the Brew & Go.
The Clover makes incredibly good coffee but was designed for commercial applications, not home use. It is a high tech machine delivering quality even better than traditional press/vacuum coffee brewing methods.
The most recent Clover was just installed in Alexandria, Virginia at Grape + Bean, a new specialty coffee and wine spot.
The Clover makes incredibly good coffee but was designed for commercial applications, not home use. It is a high tech machine delivering quality even better than traditional press/vacuum coffee brewing methods.
The most recent Clover was just installed in Alexandria, Virginia at Grape + Bean, a new specialty coffee and wine spot.
Yabbut eleven grand for a coffee maker?
For $11,000, it better come with a hundred pound bag of Blue Mountain beans.
BobG, even with 100lbs of pricey coffee, that's still several Gs for the fraking stainless steel one-shot.
Actually, the Brew'n'Go produces *horrible* coffee. I know, I had one in 1998-1999 that was used at an office that didn't have an office coffee-maker (gasp!). It is now in the dumpster (thankfully). Even a $15 "Mr. Coffee" 4 cup coffee maker makes better coffee. I mean, the coffee made by that Brew'n'Go was *NASTY*, and only the fact I got it for free let me use it (for about a month, before I finally got disgusted and brought my big coffee maker from home to the office and bought another coffee maker at home).
Our other poster sez the Clover is a commercial machine intended for making one cup after another in a specialty coffee shop. Different class of machine altogether from a Brew'n'Go, and anybody who buys one for their home is nuttier than a squirrel's cheeks in the autumn.
Use a paper filter and arabica beans, the Brew & Go does a decent job.
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