"Oh please, be so good as to agree to let us continue to occupy your country, drop bombs wherever we want, and agree that you can't prosecute the Blackwater goons who will continue to shoot up your citizens with impunity."
We have 160,000 or so troops, plus thousands of armed goons from Blackwater and their ilk running around their country, going wherever they want and shooting up and bombing wherever they want to. And Bush is pretending that he is going to ask the Iraqis for their permission to be there?
What if the Iraqis say "thank you, but get the fuck out of here?" Does anyone seriously think that Bush and Cheney and the rest of that cabal of war criminals will say "yessir, right away, sir"?
Fat chance of that happening. If that were to even look possible, Prime Minister Maliki would take sudden retirement to an unmarked grave in the desert and someone more pliable would magically take over and sign whatever Chimpy wanted.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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