Congressman George Miller, D-CA, has introduced H.R. 3663, which prohibit going flying on the same day that one has gone hunting.
This is stupid beyond belief. If you ride a bush plane into a remote area to go hunting, you have to sit around and cool your heels on a day on either end of your trip. This isn't about preventing shooting critters from airplanes, though that Californian asswipe is trying to spin it that way.
Not to mention that the way he has written the bill, any asshole can sue anyone else and allege a violation of this stupid shit.
Beyond that, regulating hunting has been the prerogative of the states. The Feds have no business to tell you when you can or cannot go hunting on state or private land.
But Miller (D is for "Dumbass") thinks the Feds should weigh in on this.
Those of you who are from areas where your congresscritters are not gun control nazis need to call/fax/write and get this bill quashed.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Thats the stupidest fucking thing Ive heard since yesterday when some nitwit here in WA wants to make it a misdemeanor to smoke in the car w/ kids under 13.
These people need to get a life and quit trying to legislate every fucking move we make.
And California ,for fucks sake?
Like thats the home of the Great White Hunter anyway.
I fail to see the reasoning behind that kind of bullshit; if he's worried about people hunting from the air, just make it illegal to hunt from the air unless you are a ranger or something who is working with an authorization. Some people, especially politicians, seem to like making things more difficult than they need to be.
Nah. The a-butt is just afraid that too many people will have too much fun in the same day.
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